Joshua Saunders


Joshua Saunders
Specialty Construction

Joshua Saunders


Josh is an Associate at Batch Mewing Lawyers, holding a dual Bachelor of Laws (Honours), and a Bachelor of Government and International Relations (Public Policy) from Griffith University.

Prior to his time as a law clerk and law graduate at Batch Mewing, Josh was a legal research assistant at Griffith University, analysing the intersection of law and sustainable infrastructure development in Southeast Asia.

Josh enjoys working on construction disputes and litigation with a particular interest in both domestic and international commercial construction arbitration. Josh takes pride in delivering quality outcomes for clients by taking a practical and collaborative approach to matters.

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Construction Law
Employment, Industrial Relations and Safety
Commercial and Corporate

Batch Mewing provides all the legal services your building and construction company needs.

Head Office

Level 11, 215 Adelaide St
Brisbane QLD 4000

GPO Box 518
Brisbane QLD 4001


[email protected]

Batch Mewing serves clients in all States and Territories of Australia.

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